Customer Testimonials

Here are just a few of the great testimonials  Art & Design Tech has received from satisfied customers and other contractors:



From Construction Plus, LLC
Ken Flynt has been working with and for me on many large and small construction projects in which he always shows a strong level of commitment and takes pride in great workmanship which is very rare in today's construction world. Mr. Flynt is also very professional and courteous when it comes to handling schedules and deadlines which is always a plus.

I highly recommend Mr. Ken Flynt and if you are seeking a high quality and dependable contractor, you have definitely found the best candidate.


Earl Logan


From Kennedy Builders, LLC
Ken Flynt, the owner of Art and Design Tech, LLC has done decorative concrete work for my company and I highly recommend his services. 


Emry Kennedy

From George R. Rea, Jr. 
We had our pool and pool deck rebuilt. The deck was sculptured concrete. This went well until the dyeing of the concrete. The contractor put the wrong color dye down and my wife had to stop them. They were unable to correct the problem and gave up. 

I contacted Ken Flynt of Art & Design Tech, LLC to see if he could help. Ken came to our house, looked at the deck and assured us he could correct the problem to our satisfaction. 

He gave us an estimate of cost and we reached an agreement. The job is now complete and we are most satisfied both with the workmanship and the final bill. The job was performed in a very professional manner and we highly recommend his service to others. 


George R. Rea, Jr.
Rea, Shaw, Giffin & Stuart, LLP

From Dunn Roadbuilders
It is with great pleasure that I write this letter of recommendation for Ken Flynt, the owner of Art & Design Tech, LLC. I have known Mr. Flynt for 34 years, both on a personal level and as a professional colleague. 

I believe that Mr. Flynt is highly qualified to engrave and stain concrete surfaces for homes and businesses. In operating his business, he has shown diligence and dedication to finish work on time and within budget. Even when problems arise on projects, he has been able to maintain the efficiency of accomplishing these two very important goals. HIs attention to the specifics of the project as well as proper scheduling has been very remarkable, resulting in well-done projects. His dedication to quality customer services is also one of his best traits. 

I would not hesitate to refer Art and Design Tech, LLC to other organizations who are in need of quality concrete surface services from a contractor. 


Clifton L. Beckman, Jr., P.E.
President, Dunn Roadbuilders